Sexual Harassment Attorney in Cleveland
Have You Experienced Workplace Sexual Harassment in Cleveland? Get in Touch with Us
As an employee, you should never have to deal with sexual harassment in the workplace.
However, the reality is that there are over 11,000 sex-based charges filed with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission each year. This doesn’t account for charges filed directly with state or local agencies.
If you are a person who has experienced unwelcome sexual advances, verbal or physical advances in a sexual nature, requests for sexual favors in the workplace, or if there have been offensive remarks about your sex, please get in touch with our attorneys. One study showed that sexual harassment settlement amounts average approximately $50,000.
At Mastandrea Law, LLC, our goal is to protect you, the employee, from workplace sexual harassers and uphold your civil rights.
What Is Sexual Harassment in the Workplace?
According to the Ohio Civil Rights Commission, sexual harassment is any unwanted attention of a sexual nature that creates discomfort and/or interferes with the job. It can occur in several ways, including verbal abuse, physical conduct of a sexual nature, or nonverbal actions.
Additionally, sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination that is prohibited by the Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Ohio Revised Code 4112.02, Ohio Administrative Code 123:1-49, and the Anti-Discrimination Policy in State Government EO 2011-05K.
Common Forms of Sexual Harassment
Quid Pro Quo Harassment:
- In these scenarios, submission to the sexual demands becomes the basis for an employment decision.
- For example, a manager leads an employee to believe that his or her job depends on meeting sexual demands.
Hostile Working Environment:
- For example, a manager leads an employee to believe that his or her job depends on meeting sexual demands.
- In these scenarios, sexual harassment creates a work environment that is intimidating and offensive.
For example, a co-worker makes unwelcome sexual advances or comments, treating another person as a sexual object.
Workplace Sexual Harassment Claims We Handle
The truth is, sexual harassment claims take many shapes and forms. Mastandrea Law is here to help employees navigate any sexual harassment allegations.
Below are some examples of workplace sexual harassment claims we can assist with.
- Harasser Is A Supervisor
- Harasser Is A Non-Employee
- Harasser Is A Co-Worker
- Harasser Is An Agent Of The Employer
- Harasser Is The Same Sex As The Victim
- The Harasser Is The Opposite Sex Of The Victim
- The Victim Was Not Directly Harassed But Was Affected By The Offensive Conduct
Workplace Sexual Harassment Complaint Process in Ohio
Although an individual does not have to hire a private attorney in order to file a formal sexual harassment complaint in Ohio, having an attorney may place you in a beneficial position.
According to the Ohio Civil Rights Commission, “any individual who feels they are a victim of discrimination because of their race, color, sex, age, ancestry, national origin, disability, military status, or religion can file a formal complaint with the OCRC by telephone, website, or at a local office. Our attorneys at Mastandrea Law can help you with this process, including filing a charge with the OCRC.
The OCRC states that once a complaint has been filed, both parties will have the option to participate in mediation. Our attorneys at Mastandrea Law have participated in hundreds of mediations and have helped many clients navigate through this process. If mediation is unsuccessful or one of the parties refuses to participate, the case is then referred to the investigative unit. During this process the Commission then determines whether or not discrimination has occurred, using a series of steps that include witness interviews, document requests, and site visits. Having an attorney during the investigative stage can help you protect yourself if your employer tries to avoid liability.
The State of Ohio provides services through the OCRC free of charge to individuals who have allegedly suffered from sexual harassment or discrimination of any kind, but having an experienced attorney representing you during the process may yield better results.
Additionally, individuals have the option to file a complaint at the federal level with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

Myths About Workplace Sexual Harassment
Sexual harassment cannot occur between two people of the same gender.
Conduct does not have to be sexual in nature to be considered sexual harassment. It could be any undesired behavior that singles out an individual out based on their gender. This means that sexual harassment can occur between people of the same sex as much as it can occur between people of the opposite sex.
In order to be considered a victim of sexual harassment, an individual had to have been the target of sexual harassment.
This is not true. A person can be considered a victim of sexual harassment even if they were not the direct target of the harassment. Any individual who is impacted by a work environment that is hostile, offensive, or intimidating can file a complaint of harassment.
A person can only file a workplace sexual harassment complaint if they were fired or economically insured.
False. An employee can file a sexual harassment complaint regardless of whether they were fired or economically damaged as a result of the harassment. Being subjected to workplace sexual harassment is illegal in and of itself.
If two individuals had a romantic history, one cannot bring a sexual harassment claim against the other.
A romantic history does not prevent an individual from making a sexual harassment claim. Remember, the basis of a sexual harassment claim is that the conduct is unwelcome. This means that if an employee has made it clear to another person that they have no further romantic interest in them, any unwanted sexual advances or attention could be considered a basis for a sexual harassment claim. As you can see, these situations can quickly turn into “he said, she said” situations, making the need for a lawyer who knows what they are doing to be more important than ever.
Wondering What You Should Do About a Sexual Allegation Claim in Cleveland?
As you can imagine, sexual harassment can quickly cause disruptions at work, on top of being difficult and stressful to endure. You need an attorney who can fight for the best possible outcome for you, the employee.
The experienced attorneys at Mastandrea Law, LLC are here for you. Call now: (216) 306-5105

"Mr. Mastandrea is professional, knowledgeable, aggressive and will work diligently on your case."
- Former Client

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